Happy Great Conjunction 2020!
This is FYI to count down the Great Conjunction on the 21st of December!
FRI 11th Dec
2:58 Moon → Scorpio
SUN 13th Dec
3:39 Moon → Sagittarius
MON 14th Dec
17:16 New Moon in Sagittarius – Total Solar Eclipse
21:58 Venus sextile to Jupiter
TUE 15th Dec
4:35 Moon → Capricorn
14:00 Venus sextile to Saturn
17:21 Venus → Sagittarius
23:17 Chiron goes direct
Thu 17th Dec
6:04 Saturn → Aquarius
6:37 Moon conjunct with Jupiter
7:27 Moon conjunct with Saturn
7:27 Moon → Aquarius
Moon, Jupiter & Saturn conjunct at sunset
Sat 19th Dec
13:39 Moon → Pisces
14:07 Jupiter → Aquarius
Mon 21st Dec
00:07 Mercury → Capricorn
11:02 Sun → Capricorn – Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year
19:20 Jupiter conjunct Saturn at the sunset – the Great Conjunction in Aquarius
23:32 Moon → Aries
Tue 22nd Dec
00:33 Moon sextile to Saturn & Jupiter
00:41 Waning half Moon in Aries
Venus north of bright star Antares in Scorpius.
Look out for the Ursids meteor shower peak at night.
Wed 23nd Dec
23:51 Moon conjunct Mars