I’ve already written a few about “Let go”. “Letting go” in a sense of “Releasing old wounds” and “Letting go” in a sense of “Cleansing from our energy field”.
Since last week, I started to get many “Let go” signs again and again! Gosh! What is it now? Haven’t I done it last year? What else do I need to let go? Honestly, I was lost. I’ve been asking the Sky “What do you mean by ‘Let go’ now? I need a clear indication!”
Last night, a good friend of mine sent me a Youtube link without knowing my inner struggle of “let go”. The post was about letting go of unwanted blockages to hear and see our inner-world clearly.
The Youtuber gives an example of driving a car whose front glass is thickly covered with dirt and stain. We cannot see the front well if the front glass is dirty so that we need to clean them first. Then, it’s safer and we know where we are driving and going to.
The dirt and stain represent the unwanted blockages of our mind and emotion. There are different levels of dirt and stain which can be composed of our experiences of both failures and successes in our past lives and current everyday life.
This time, it was not about letting go of the wounds or negative experiences, but about letting go of the past accolades or positive experiences! Perhaps my confidence was still based on my past experiences, what I achieved or been praised by others.
That has been one of the major blockages which hinder me to move further in the coming decades. Why cannot I be proud of myself just BEING ME? How difficult to just be naked ME! It may take much more conscious work to ‘let go’ of peripherals to ME since I have been the composition of old memories and reflections from others and society!
To be continued for the Full Moon in Leo post soon!
Previous posts about Letting go:
Image: Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards. In the last week, I got this card at least three times and two friends gave me messages about Let go. 😮