Topics for coaching can be anything. Every time a coachee and a coach talk about various topics or different aspects of the same topic. Coaching sessions are never the same.
However, there is something similar in all the sessions. After all, we aim to seek and achieve “what we want to become” or “who we want to become.”
This does not mean that we want to become someone else. What we are is the original form of ourselves. As life embarks, we are shaped and adjusted according to the needs of ourselves, others, and our environments. Therefore, we are constantly releasing new versions of ourselves. We just hope to upgrade our versions.
Such a process requires time and patience. Step by step, we learn about ourselves, motivate ourselves, and take action to move even a little in the direction of what we want to become.
At the beginning of each session, a coach asks a coachee “What do you want to achieve at the end of the session? Who do you want to become after 1 hour?” One session is a tiny piece of a person’s life but consciously developing their upgrade version through coaching may assure her/him conscious steps towards ambiguous future.
コーチングのテーマは何でも構わない。 コーチィとコーチは、毎回、さまざまなトピックや、トピックは同じでも異なる側面について話す。だから、同じコーチング・セッションは2度とない。
しかし、全セッションにおいて、似たこともある。それは、 結局のところ、私たちは、今の自分から少しでも進化した「何か」や「誰か」になりたい。そして、それを実現することをコーチングは目指している。
#whatyouare #whatyoubecome #whoyoubecome #hereandnow #mindfulness #myvalue #beyourself #animism #loveyourself #trusttheuniverse #trustmyself #trusttheprocess #insightcoaching #coaching #transformationalcoaching #worklifebalance #lifecoaching #worldpeace #peace #自分軸 #自分軸育成 #コーチング #ワークライフバランス #価値観 #変容 #アップデート #バージョンアップ #意識的 #なりたい自分